Friday, April 14, 2017

Free Education

A classmate of mine wrote about their belief to have a free college education in the United States. I definitely agree that college should be a free option, but in the argument it would've been nice to see some facts included with it. It is true that a free education system could lead to many positive things such as more people getting better jobs and more people be able to get an education in order to be able to be less ignorant about many things in the world. But maybe there could have been some speculation as to how we would go about fixing the "issue" of having to pay insane amounts of money in order to attend college. Maybe there could be some mention of how many people don't want to pay more taxes just so other people they don't know or care about can go to college for free and other aspects of the opposing party. The argument itself is a good one, a lot of people can agree that free education could lead to a much healthier life for everyone, but talking about the reasons why people are opposed to the idea would be nice as well.

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